Let $k$ be a number field, and let $p$ be a fixed prime number. Then the
vanishing of the Leopoldt kernel $\mathscr{L}_p(k)$ is shown to be equivalent to the validity of
a "Strong Local-Global Principle on units of $k$". This adds a problem of effectivity
to Leopoldt's conjecture (an example to which is provided by the classical Kummer
lemma on the $p$th powers of units in the field of the $p$th roots of unity). Some further
remarks pertain to $\mathscr{L}_p(k)$ as a Galois module. For example, if $k/{\mathbb Q}$ is an Abelian $p$-extension,
then the triviality of $\mathscr{L}_p(k)$ can be shown quite easily (in particular, without
using Brumer's transcendency theorem).