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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Algebra and Discrete Mathematics // Архив

Algebra Discrete Math., 2005, выпуск 1, страницы 1–7 (Mi adm285)


On representation type of a pair of posets with involution

Vitalij M. Bondarenko

Institute of Mathematics, Tereshchenkivska 3, 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine

Аннотация: In this paper we consider the problem on classifying the representations of a pair of posets with involution. We prove that if one of these is a chain of length at least 4 with trivial involution and the other is with nontrivial one, then the pair is tame $\Leftrightarrow$ it is of finite type $\Leftrightarrow$ the poset with nontrivial involution is a $*$-semichain ($*$ being the involution). The case that each of the posets with involution is not a chain with trivial one was considered by the author earlier. In proving our result we do not use the known technically difficult results on representation type of posets with involution.

Ключевые слова: semichain, tame, wild, representation, category.

MSC: 15A, 16G

Язык публикации: английский

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