Conditions for classes ${\mathfrak F}^1,{\mathfrak F}^0$ of non-decreasing total one-place arithmetic functions to define reducibility
$\leq_m[^{{\mathfrak R}^1}_{{\mathfrak R}^0}]\leftrightharpoons\{(A,B)|A,B\subseteq\mathbb N\ \&\ (\exists r.f. \ h) (\exists f_1\in{\mathfrak F}^1)(\exists f_0\in{\mathfrak F}^0) $ $[A\le_m^h\,B\ \&\ f_0\unlhd h\unlhd f_1]\}$
where $k\unlhd l$ means that function $l$ majors function $k$ almost everywhere are studied. It is proved that the system of these reducibilities is highly ramified, and examples are constructed which differ drastically $\leq_m[^{{\mathfrak R}^1}_{{\mathfrak R}^0}]$ from the standard $m$-reducibility with respect to systems of degrees. Indecomposable and recursive degrees are considered.