Эта публикация цитируется в
2 статьях
Construction of self-dual binary $[2^{2k},2^{2k-1},2^k]$-codes
Carolin Hannusch,
Piroska Lakatos Institute of Mathematics, University of Debrecen, 4010 Debrecen, pf.12, Hungary
The binary Reed-Muller code
${\rm RM}(m-k,m)$ corresponds to the
$k$-th power of the radical of
$GF(2)[G],$ where
$G$ is an elementary abelian group of order
$2^m $ (see [2]). Self-dual RM-codes (i.e. some powers of the radical of the previously mentioned group algebra) exist only for odd
The group algebra approach enables us to find a self-dual code for even
$m=2k $ in the radical of the previously mentioned group algebra with similarly good parameters as the self-dual RM codes.
In the group algebra
$$GF(2)[G]\cong GF(2)[x_1,x_2,\dots, x_m]/(x_1^2-1,x_2^2-1, \dots x_m^2-1)$$
we construct self-dual binary
$C=[2^{2k},2^{2k-1},2^k]$ codes with property
$${\rm RM}(k-1,2k) \subset C \subset {\rm RM}(k,2k)$$
for an arbitrary integer
In some cases these codes can be obtained as the direct product of two copies of
${\rm RM}(k-1,k)$-codes. For
$k\geq 2$ the codes constructed are doubly even and for
$k=2$ we get two non-isomorphic
$[16,8,4]$-codes. If
$k>2$ we have some self-dual codes with good parameters which have not been described yet.
Ключевые слова:
Reed–Muller code, Generalized Reed–Muller code, radical, self-dual code, group algebra, Jacobson radical.
MSC: 94B05,
20C05 Поступила в редакцию: 21.09.2015
Исправленный вариант: 16.12.2015
Язык публикации: английский