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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Algebra and Discrete Mathematics // Архив

Algebra Discrete Math., 2016, том 21, выпуск 2, страницы 202–213 (Mi adm563)

Эта публикация цитируется в 2 статьях


Generalization of primal superideals

Ameer Jaber

Department of Mathematics, The Hashemite University, Zarqa 13115, Jordan

Аннотация: Let $R$ be a commutative super-ring with unity $1\not=0$. A proper superideal of $R$ is a superideal $I$ of $R$ such that $I\not=R$. Let $\phi : \mathfrak{I}(R)\rightarrow\mathfrak{I}(R)\cup\{\varnothing\}$ be any function, where $\mathfrak{I}(R)$ denotes the set of all proper superideals of $R$. A homogeneous element $a\in R$ is $\phi$-prime to $I$ if $ra\in I-\phi(I)$ where $r$ is a homogeneous element in $R$, then $r\in I$. We denote by $\nu_\phi(I)$ the set of all homogeneous elements in $R$ that are not $\phi$-prime to $I$. We define $I$ to be $\phi$-primal if the set
$$ P=\begin{cases}[(\nu_\phi(I))_0+(\nu_\phi(I))_1\cup\{0\}]+\phi(I) & :\quad {\rm if}\ \phi\not=\phi_\emptyset\\ (\nu_\phi(I))_0+(\nu_\phi(I))_1& :\quad {\rm if}\ \phi=\phi_\emptyset\end{cases} $$
forms a superideal of $R$. For example if we take $\phi_\emptyset(I)=\emptyset$ (resp. $\phi_0(I)=0$), a $\phi$-primal superideal is a primal superideal (resp., a weakly primal superideal). In this paper we study several generalizations of primal superideals of $R$ and their properties.

Ключевые слова: primal superideal, $\phi$-$P$-primal superideal, $\phi$-prime superideal.

MSC: 13A02, 16D25, 16W50

Поступила в редакцию: 21.09.2015
Исправленный вариант: 14.02.2016

Язык публикации: английский

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