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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Algebra and Discrete Mathematics // Архив

Algebra Discrete Math., 2017, том 24, выпуск 1, страницы 90–98 (Mi adm620)


Flat extension and phantom homology

Rajsekhar Bhattacharyya

Dinabandhu Andrews College, Garia, Kolkata 700084, India

Аннотация: Phantom homology arises in tight closure theory due to small non-exactness when ‘kernel’ is not equal to ‘image’ but ‘kernel’ is in the tight closure of the ‘image’. In this paper we study a typical flat extension, which we call $*$-flat extension, such that upon tensoring which preserves phantom homology. Along with other properties, we observe that $*$-flat extension preserves ghost regular sequence, which is a typical ‘tight closure’ generalization of regular sequence. We also show that in some situations, under $*$-flat extension, test ideal of the $*$-flat algebra is the expansion of the test ideal of the base ring.

Ключевые слова: tight closure, phantom homology.

MSC: 13A35

Поступила в редакцию: 23.09.2015
Исправленный вариант: 12.05.2016

Язык публикации: английский

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