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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Algebra and Discrete Mathematics // Архив

Algebra Discrete Math., 2019, том 28, выпуск 2, страницы 171–183 (Mi adm723)


Strongly prime submodules and strongly 0-dimensional modules

Z. Bilgina, S. Koçb, A. Özkirişcic

a Philosophy Department, Istanbul Medeniyet University 34000, Kadikoy, Istanbul, Turkey
b Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Arts, Marmara University 34722, Istanbul, Turkey
c Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Arts, Yildiz Technical University 34210, Istanbul, Turkey

Аннотация: In this work, we study strongly prime submodules and strongly 0-dimensional modules. We give some equivalent conditions for being a strongly 0-dimensional module. Besides we show that the quasi-Zariski topology on the spectrum of a strongly 0-dimensional module satisfies all separation axioms and it is a metrizable space.

Ключевые слова: strongly prime submodule, strongly 0-dimensional module, multiplication module, quasi-Zariski topology.

MSC: Primary 13A15, 13A99, 13C05, 13C99; Secondary 13E15, 13E99

Поступила в редакцию: 29.03.2018
Исправленный вариант: 18.09.2018

Язык публикации: английский

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