Эта публикация цитируется в
1 статье
Sets of prime power order generators of finite groups
A. Stocka Faculty of Mathematics University of Białystok K. Ciołkowskiego 1M 15-245 Białystok
A subset
$X$ of prime power order elements of a finite group
$G$ is called
$\mathrm{pp}$-independent if there is no proper subset
$Y$ of
$X$ such that $\langle Y,\Phi(G) \rangle = \langle X,\Phi(G) \rangle$, where
$\Phi(G)$ is the Frattini subgroup of
$G$. A group
$G$ has property
$\mathcal{B}_{pp}$ if all
$\mathrm{pp}$-independent generating sets of
$G$ have the same size.
$G$ has the
$\mathrm{pp}$-basis exchange property if for any
$\mathrm{pp}$-independent generating sets
$B_1, B_2$ of
$G$ and
$x\in B_1$ there exists
$y\in B_2$ such that
$(B_1\setminus \{x\})\cup \{y\}$ is a
$\mathrm{pp}$-independent generating set of
$G$. In this paper we describe all finite solvable groups with property
$\mathcal{B}_{pp}$ and all finite solvable groups with the
$\mathrm{pp}$-basis exchange property.
Ключевые слова:
finite groups, independent sets, minimal generating sets, Burnside basis theorem.
MSC: Primary
20D10; Secondary
20F05 Поступила в редакцию: 17.10.2019
Исправленный вариант: 17.12.2019
Язык публикации: английский