Four families of pairwise equivalent identities are given and analyzed. Every identity from each of these families defines one of the following varieties: 1) the semi-symmetric isotopic closure of the variety of all Boolean groups; 2) the semi-symmetric isotopic closure of the variety of all Abelian groups; 3) the semi-symmetric isotopic closure of the variety of all groups; 4) the variety of all semi-symmetric quasigroups. It is proved that these varieties are different and form a chain. Quasigroups belonging to these varieties are described. In particular, quasigroups from 1) and 2) varieties are medial and in addition, they are either groups or non-commutative semi-symmetric quasigroups.
Ключевые слова и фразы:
group, quasigroup, identity, isotopic closure, variety, totally symmetric, semi-symmetric, commutative.