Полная версия
ЖУРНАЛЫ // Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica // Архив

Bul. Acad. Ştiinţe Repub. Mold. Mat., 2018, номер 1, страницы 120–138 (Mi basm470)

Эта публикация цитируется в 1 статье

Integrability conditions for a class of cubic differential systems with a bundle of two invariant straight lines and one invariant cubic

Dimitru Cozmaa, Anatoli Dascalescub

a Department of Mathematics, Tiraspol State University, 5 Gh. Iablocichin str., Chişinău, MD2069, Republic of Moldova
b Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 5 Academiei str., Chişinău, MD2028, Republic of Moldova

Аннотация: We determine conditions for the origin to be a center for a class of cubic differential systems having a bundle of two invariant straight lines and one invariant cubic. We prove that a fine focus $O(0,0)$ is a center if and only if the first three Lyapunov quantities vanish.

Ключевые слова и фразы: cubic differential system, center-focus problem, invariant algebraic curve, integrability.

MSC: 34C05

Поступила в редакцию: 26.03.2018

Язык публикации: английский

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