A very common question appearing in resource
management is: what is the optimal way of behaviour of the agents
and distribution of limited resources. Is any form of cooperation
more preferable strategy than pure competition? How cooperation can
be treated in the game theoretic framework: just as one of a set of
Pareto optimal solutions or cooperative game theory is a more
promising approach? This research is based on results proving the
existence of a non-empty K-core, that is, the set of allocations
acceptable for the family K of all feasible coalitions, for the case
when this family is a set of subtrees of a tree.
A wide range of real situations in resource management, which
include optimal water, gas and electricity allocation problems can
be modeled using this class of games. Thus, the present research is
pursuing two goals: 1. optimality and 2. stability.
Firstly, we suggest to players to unify their resources and then we
optimize the total payoff using some standard LP technique. The same
unification and optimization can be done for any coalition of
players, not only for the total one. However, players may object
unification of resources. It may happen when a feasible coalition
can guarantee a better result for every coalitionist. Here we
obtain some stability conditions which ensure that this cannot
happen for some family K. Such families were characterized in Boros
et al. (1997) as Berge's normal hypergraphs. Thus, we obtain a
solution which is optimal and stable. From practical point of view,
we suggest a distribution of profit that would cause no conflict
between players.