We consider problems of "fair" distribution of several different public resourses. If $\tau$ is a partition
of a finite set $N$, each resourse $c_j$ is distributed between points of $B_j\in \tau$.
We suppose that either all resourses are goods or all resourses are bads.
There are finite projects, each project use points from its subset of $N$ (its coalition).
$\mathcal{A}$ is the set of such coalitions.
The gain/loss function of a project at an allocation depends only on the restriction of the
allocation on the coalition of the project.
The following 4 solutions are considered:
the lexicographically
maxmin solution, the lexicographically
minmax solution, a generalization of Wardrop solution.
For fixed collection of gain/loss functions, we define envy stable allocations with respect to $\Gamma$, where
the projects compare their gains/losses at fixed allocation if their coalitions are
adjacent in $\Gamma$. We describe conditions on $\mathcal{A}$, $\tau$, and $\Gamma$ that ensure
the existence of envy stable solutions, and conditions that ensure the enclusion of the first three solutions
in envy stable solution.