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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications // Архив

Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications, 2020, том 8, выпуск 1, страницы 30–43 (Mi ejmca149)

Short-term forecasts of the Ob river near Barnaul during the flood in 2018 and 2019

E. D. Kosheleva, A. V. Kudishin

Institute for Water and Environmental Problems, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IWEP SB RAS), 1, Molodezhnaya St., 656038 Barnaul, Altai Krai, Russian Federation

Аннотация: The paper describes the method for water level forecast by corresponding levels at the upstream gauges, used for long reaches without tributaries. The results of short-term 1-3 days-in-advance forecast of the Ob level during the flood 2018 and 2019 at Ust-Charyshskaya Pristan’ and Barnaul gauging stations are presented. The errors of the method used and the forecast accuracy are estimated.

Ключевые слова: Flood, water level, Ob river, spring flood 2018 and 2019, Barnaul city, short-term forecast, method of corresponding levels.

MSC: 86A05, 62H20

Язык публикации: английский

DOI: 10.32523/2306-6172-2020-8-1-30-43

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