In this paper, intuitionistic fuzzy h-bi-ideals and intuitionistic fuzzy h-quasi-ideals of hemirings are studied and some related properties are investigated. We characterize fully idempotent hemirings by the properties of their intuitionistic fuzzy h-ideals. We also characterize h-hemiregularity, h-intra-hemiregularity and h-quasi-hemiregularity in hemirings by the properties of their intuitionistic fuzzy h-bi-ideals and intuitionistic fuzzy h-quasi-ideals. The concept of intuitionistic fuzzy $h^*$-duo-hemirings is introduced and some of their characterizations are obtained.
Ключевые слова и фразы:
hemiring, $h^*$-duo-hemiring, intuitionistic fuzzy h-bi-ideal, intuitionistic fuzzy h-quasi ideal, intuitionistic fuzzy $h^*$-duo, h-hemiregularity, h-quasihemiregularity, h-intra-hemiregularity.