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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Eurasian Mathematical Journal // Архив

Eurasian Math. J., 2015, том 6, номер 4, страницы 19–28 (Mi emj207)

Эта публикация цитируется в 11 статьях

On conditions of the solvability of nonlocal multi-point boundary value problems for quasi-linear systems of hyperbolic equations

A. T. Assanovaa, A. E. Imanchievb

a Department of Differential Equations, Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling MES RK, 125 Pushkin St., 050010 Almaty, Kazakhstan
b Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University, 34 A. Moldagulova St., Aktobe 030000, Kazakhstan

Аннотация: A nonlocal multi-point boundary value problem for a system of quasi-linear hyperbolic equations is investigated. Based on the results for linear problems coefficient conditions are established ensuring the existence of classical solutions to nonlocal multi-point boundary value problem for a system of quasi-linear hyperbolic equations, and algorithms of finding these solutions are suggested.

Ключевые слова и фразы: nonlocal problem, multi-point condition, quasi-linear hyperbolic equation, solvability.

MSC: 35L20, 35L55, 34B08, 35L72

Поступила в редакцию: 18.06.2015

Язык публикации: английский

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