Assume that $T$ is a self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ and that the spectrum of $T$ is contained in the union $\bigcup_{j\in J}\Delta_j$, $J\subseteq\mathbb{Z}$, of the segments $\Delta_j = [\alpha_j,\beta_j]\subset \mathbb{R}$ such that
$\alpha_{j+1}>\beta_j$ and
If $B$ is a bounded (in general non-self-adjoint) perturbation of $T$ with $||B||=:b<d/2$, then the
spectrum of the perturbed operator $A=T+B$ lies in the union $\bigcup_{j\in J}U_b(\Delta_j)$ of the mutually
disjoint closed $b$-neighborhoods $U_b(\Delta_j)$ of the segments $\Delta_j$ in $\mathbb{C}$. Let $Q_j$ be the Riesz projection
onto the invariant subspace of $A$ corresponding to the part of the spectrum of $A$ lying in $U_b(\Delta_j)$, $j\in J$. Our main result is as follows: The subspaces$\mathcal{L}_j=Q_j(\mathcal{H})$, $j \in J$form an unconditional
basis in the whole space$\mathcal{H}$.
Ключевые слова и фразы:Riesz basis, unconditional basis of subspaces, non-self-adjoint perturbations.