We further discuss possible sgoldstino interpretation of the observation, reported by the HyperCP collaboration, of three $\Sigma^+\to p\mu^+\mu^-$ decay events with dimuon invariant mass $214.3$ MeV within detector resolution. With sgoldstino mass equal to $214.3$ MeV, this interpretation can be verified at existing and future $B$- and $\phi$-factories. We find that the most natural values of the branching ratios of two-body $B$- and $D$-meson decays to sgoldstino $P$ and vector meson $V$ are about $10^{-6}\div10^{-7}$. The branching ratios of $\phi$-meson decay $\phi\to P\gamma$ are estimated to be in the range $1.8\cdot10^{-13}\div1.6\cdot10^{-7}$, depending on the hierarchy of supersymmetry breaking soft terms. Similar branchings for $\rho$- and $\omega$-mesons are in the range $10^{-14}\div3.4\cdot10^{-7}$.