It is shown that the differential cross sections of the reactions $dd\to n{}^3$He and $dd\to p{}^3$H measured at c.m.s. scattering angle $\theta_{cm}=60^\circ$ in the interval of the deuteron beam energy $0.5$–$1.2$ GeV demonstrate the scaling behaviour, $d\sigma/d t\sim s^{-22}$, which follows from constituent quark counting rules. It is found also that the differential cross section of the elastic $dp\to dp$ scattering at $\theta_{cm}=125$–$135^\circ$ follows the scaling regime $\sim s^{-16}$ at beam energies $0.5$–$5$ GeV. These data are parameterized here using the Reggeon exchange.
PACS:13.75.-n, 24.85.+p, 25.10.+s, 25.40.Cm
Поступила в редакцию: 11.01.2005 Исправленный вариант: 28.02.2005