We propose a theory describing low-temperature properties of
magnets with integer spin and large single-ion easy-plane anisotropy $D$ in
magnetic field $H$ directed parallel to the hard axis. Considering the
exchange interaction between spins as a perturbation and using the bosonic
spin representation proposed in our recent paper [1] we find thermal
corrections to the elementary excitation spectrum, magnetization and specific
heat in the vicinity of the quantum critical point (QCP) $H=H_{c1}(0)\sim D$
in the first nonvanishing orders of the perturbation theory. An expression is
found for the boundary of the paramagnetic phase $H_{c1}(T)$ in the
$H$–$T$-plane. The effective interaction between bosons is derived near the
QCP. The proposed theory describes well experimental data obtained in NiCl$_2$–4SC(NH$_2$)$_2$ (DTN).