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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Письма в Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики // Архив

Письма в ЖЭТФ, 2003, том 78, выпуск 2, страницы 61–66 (Mi jetpl2489)

QED corrections in radiative return method at measurement of the $e^+e^-\to \pi^+\pi^-$ cross–section below 1 GeV

M. I. Konchatnii, N. P. Merenkov, O. N. Shekhovtsova

National Science Centre Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology

Аннотация: We discuss radiative corrections at the measurement of the $e^+e^-\to \pi^+\pi^-$ cross-section by the radiative return method without photon tagging. The radiative corrections to the initial–state radiation process are computed for DA$\Phi$NE conditions, using the quasi–real electron approximation for both, the cross-section and the underlying kinematics. The efficiency of experimental rules for event selection by the restrictions on the lost invariant mass and so-called «track mass» is estimated. Some numerical calculations illustrate our analytical results.

PACS: 12.20.-m, 13.40.-f, 13.60.-Hb, 13.88.+e

Поступила в редакцию: 23.06.2003

Язык публикации: английский

 Англоязычная версия: Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, 2003, 78:2, 51–56

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