We consider diffusion of vibrations in
random lattices with translational invariance.
Above some frequency $\omega_{\rm IR}$, corresponding to the
Ioffe–Regel crossover (and depending on the strength of disorder),
phonons cannot propagate through the lattice and transfer energy.
On the other hand, most of the vibrations in this range are not
localized. We show that these delocalized excitations are similar
to diffusons introduced by Allen, Feldman et al.
(see, e.g., Phil. Mag. B 79, 1715 (1999)) to describe heat
transport in glasses. In this range the energy in the lattice is
transferred by means of diffusion of vibrational excitations.
We have calculated the diffusivity of the modes $D(\omega)$ using
both the direct numerical solution of Newton equations and the formula
of Edwards and Thouless. It is nearly a constant above $\omega_{\rm IR}$
and goes to zero at the localization threshold.