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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Письма в Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики // Архив

Письма в ЖЭТФ, 2013, том 98, выпуск 1, страницы 28–32 (Mi jetpl3459)

Эта публикация цитируется в 6 статьях


Comparative study of electronic structure of new superconductors (Sr,Ca)Pd$_2$As$_2$ and related compound BaPd$_2$As$_2$

I. A. Nekrasova, M. V. Sadovskiiba

a Institute of Electrophysics, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg
b Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Аннотация: This paper presents the comparative study of LDA calculated electronic structure of new isostructural to iron based systems superconductors (Sr,Ca)Pd$_2$As$_2$ with T$_c$ about $1$ K and similar but structurally different system BaPd$_2$As$_2$. Despite chemical formula looks similar to iron superconductors and even main structural motif is the same – layers of Fe square lattices, electronic structure of (Sr,Ca)Pd$_2$As$_2$ and BaPd$_2$As$_2$ differs from Fe(As,Se)-HTSC completely. All these systems have essentially three dimensional Fermi surfaces in contrast to Fe(As,Se) materials. The Fermi level is crossed by low intensive tails of Pd-$4d$ and As-$4p$ states. However (Sr,Ca)Pd$_2$As$_2$ and BaPd$_2$As$_2$ materials have rather well developed peaks of Pd-$4d$($x^2-y^2$) band. Thus by doping of about 2 holes per unit cell one can increase density of states at the Fermi level by a factor about 2.5. Since experimentally these compounds were found to be simple BCS superconductors the hole doping may considerably increase T$_c$. LDA calculated total densities of states at the Fermi level for stoichiometric systems perfectly agree with experimental estimates signifying rather small role of electronic correlations.

Поступила в редакцию: 28.03.2013

Язык публикации: английский

DOI: 10.7868/S0370274X13130067

 Англоязычная версия: Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, 2013, 98:1, 24–27

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