Because of the feedbacks between the DNA transcription and mRNA translation, the gene expression in cells may exhibit bistability and oscillations. The deterministic and stochastic calculations presented illustrate how the bistable kinetics of expression of one gene in a cell can be influenced by kinetic oscillations in expression of another gene. Due to stability of the states of the bistable kinetics of gene 1 and relatively small difference between the maximum and minimum protein amounts during oscillations of gene 2, the induced oscillations of gene 1 are found to typically be related either to the low- or high-reactive state of this gene. The quality of the induced oscillations may be appreciably better than that of inducing oscillations. This means that gene 1 can serve as an amplifier of kinetic oscillations of gene 2.
PACS:05.40.-a, 87.16.-b
Поступила в редакцию: 07.05.2008 Исправленный вариант: 07.06.2008