Полная версия
ЖУРНАЛЫ // Журнал математической физики, анализа, геометрии // Архив

Матем. физ., анал., геом., 2002, том 9, номер 2, страницы 285–293 (Mi jmag293)

Эта публикация цитируется в 2 статьях

Interaction between non-uniform flows in a gas of rough spheres

V. D. Gordevskyya, Yu. A. Sysoyevab

a Department of Mechanics and Mathematics, V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University, 4 Svobody Square, Kharkov, 61077, Ukraine
b Department of Computer Sciences, Kharkov State University of Economics, 6a Lenin Ave., Kharkov, 61077, Ukraine

Аннотация: For the model of rough spheres the bimodal distribution with inhomogeneous but stationary Maxwellians is considered. It approximately describes the interaction between two flows, which can rotate as a rigid body about the immovable axes. Conditions ensured the infinitesimality of the uniform-integral remainder for the accordant Boltzmann equation are obtained.

MSC: Primary 76P05; Secondary 82B40, 82C40

Поступила в редакцию: 29.09.2001

Язык публикации: английский

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