Полная версия
ЖУРНАЛЫ // Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics // Архив

Lobachevskii J. Math., 2000, том 7, страницы 31–42 (Mi ljm137)

A functional expression for the curvature of hyper-dimensional Riemannian spaces

B. Sarić

Institute "Kirilo Savić"

Аннотация: Analogously to a notion of curvature of a curve and a surface, in the differential geometry, in the main part of this paper the notion of curvature of hyper-dimensional vector spaces of Riemannian metric is generally defined. The defined notion of curvature of Riemannian spaces of higher dimensions $M\colon M\ge 2$, in the further text of the paper, is functional related to the fundamental parameters of internal geometry of a space, more exactly, to components of Riemann–Christoffel's curvature tensor. At the end, analogously to a notion of lines of a curvature in the differential geometry, the notion of sub-spaces of curvature of Riemannian hyper-dimensional vector spaces is also generally defined.

Ключевые слова: space, curvature of space, sub-space of curvature.

Представлено: Б. Н. Шапуков
Поступило: 13.10.2000

Язык публикации: английский

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