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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Математическая биология и биоинформатика // Архив

Матем. биология и биоинформ., 2015, том 10, выпуск Suppl., страницы t20–t28 (Mi mbb319)

Переводы опубликованных статей

On the types of bacterial growth laws

V. A. Likhoshvaiab, T. M. Khlebodarovab

a Novosibirsk National Research State University, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
b Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia

Аннотация: Volume, mass and envelope surface area of a bacterium are significant parameters of cell development during one bacterial cell cycle. In our previous studies it was shown that during one division cycle cells can encounter the problem of unlimited size growth. Two fundamental types of bacterial growth laws, which were called “exponential” and “linear”, have been identified. Under certain conditions exponentially growing cells encounter the problem of unlimited growth, whereas lineally growing cells don't [1]. In this study the laws of bacterial size growth were shown to belong exclusively to the linear type. It was demonstrated that this phenomenon is a consequence of the universal principle of storage and transmission of genetic information essential to all living organisms. The bacterial growth laws of exponential type could exist only at the very early stages of cell evolution, when the genetic machinery had not evolved yet into its modern form.

Ключевые слова: modeling, prokaryotes, cell cycle, exponential and linear types of cell growth laws.

УДК: 577.213:576.362:579.23

Материал поступил в редакцию 06.04.2015, опубликован 09.04.2015

Язык публикации: английский

DOI: 10.17537/2015.10.t20

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