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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Mendeleev Communications // Архив

Mendeleev Commun., 2021, том 31, выпуск 5, страницы 628–630 (Mi mendc1004)

Эта публикация цитируется в 3 статьях


Chemical design of heterometallic carboxylate structures with Fe3+ and Ag+ ions as a rational synthetic approach

I. A. Lutsenkoa, M. A. Kiskina, D. E. Baravikova, Yu. V. Nelyubinab, P. V. Primakovb, I. L. Eremenkoa

a N.S. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
b A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation

Аннотация: Solid phase thermolysis of pivalate complex [Fe3O(Piv)6(HPiv)3]Piv generates the [Fe3O(Piv)6]+ complex cation due to a deficiency of ligands in the coordination sphere of the metal ions. Crystallization of [Fe3O(Piv)6]+ from THF–EtOH leads to the heteroleptic complex [Fe3O(Piv)6(THF)(EtOH)(OH)] · 0.5 THF · 0.5 H2O in 69% yield, while the reaction of [Fe3O(Piv)6]+ with AgNO3 in toluene results in the complex [Fe4Ag4O2(Piv)12] · 2 PhMe with a rare combination of FeIII and AgI atoms. Crystal structures of the two new complexes have been established.

Ключевые слова: iron complex, solid phase thermolysis, heteroleptic complex, silver, crystal structure.

Язык публикации: английский

DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2021.09.012

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