Полная версия
ЖУРНАЛЫ // Mendeleev Communications // Архив

Mendeleev Commun., 1994, том 4, выпуск 5, страницы 183–185 (Mi mendc5210)

Эта публикация цитируется в 14 статьях

Carbonylation of Methylcyclopentane and Cyclohexane Initiated by the Aprotic Organic Superacid CBr4·2AlBr3

S. Z. Bernadyuk, I. S. Akhrem, M. E. Vol'pin

A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation

Аннотация: The aprotic organic superacid CBr4·2AlBr3 initiates carbonylation of methylcyclopentane 1 and cyclohexane 2 with CO at atmospheric pressure with formation (after EtOH treatment) of various products in high yields depending on the conditions. The products are esters of 1-methylcyclopentanecarbonic (1a; at –45 °C) and cyclohexanecarbonic (2a; at 0 °C) acids and 2-methylcyclohexanone (3; at –23 °C); the reaction mechanism is discussed.

Язык публикации: английский

DOI: 10.1070/MC1994v004n05ABEH000406

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