Mendeleev Commun.,
2022, том 32, выпуск 6,страницы 831–833(Mi mendc814)
Chemisorption tobacco mosaic virus removal from aqueous solutions and study of virus interaction with active chemisorbent surface by infrared spectroscopy
The interaction of the tobacco mosaic virus with the active surface of an iron-containing adsorbent obtained from lignin by the plasma-catalytic method was studied by IR spectroscopy. The results revealed decomposition of the virus into protein molecules and RNA reacting with the lignin surface via oxygen atoms during the binding of the virus to the sorbent surface. It was assumed that oxygen carboxylate groups interrelate with nanosized iron clusters incorporated into the adsorbent surface structure.
Ключевые слова:
lignin, adsorbent, tobacco mosaic virus, protein, IR spectroscopy.