Our aim is to give an explicit description of the Arens–Michael envelope for the universal enveloping algebra of a finite-dimensional nilpotent complex Lie algebra. It turns out that the Arens–Michael envelope belongs to a class of completions introduced by R. Goodman in 1970s. To find a precise form of this algebra we characterize preliminary the set of holomorphic functions of exponential type on a simply connected nilpotent complex Lie group. This approach leads to unexpected connections to Riemannian geometry and the theory of order and type for entire functions.
As a corollary, it is shown that the Arens–Michael envelope considered above is a homological epimorphism. So we get a positive answer to a question investigated earlier by Dosi and Pirkovskii. References: 36 entries.
Ключевые слова и фразы:nilpotent Lie algebra, Arens–Michael envelope, holomorphic function of exponential type, homological epimorphism, submultiplicative weight, length function.