Полная версия
ЖУРНАЛЫ // Наносистемы: физика, химия, математика // Архив

Наносистемы: физика, химия, математика, 2016, том 7, выпуск 3, страницы 506–508 (Mi nano229)

Papers, presented at NANO-2015

Effect of substrate temperature on microstructural, vibrational and electrical properties of $\mathrm{ZnO}$ nanostructured thin films

A. K. Prasad, S. Dhara

Nanomaterials and Sensors Section, Surface and Nanoscience Division, Materials Science Group, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, 603102, India

Аннотация: $\mathrm{ZnO}$ nanostructured thin films are synthesized by a simple spray pyrolysis technique using zinc acetyl acetonate precursor on $\mathrm{Si}$ substrates. The morphology control is achieved by varying the substrate temperature during deposition between $350$ and $450^\circ$ C. The microstructural changes accompanying the changes in growth conditions are observed under the transmission electron microscopy. The vibrational properties of these films are studied using Raman spectroscopy and the differences in crystallinity are explained. The electrical properties are determined from I–V measurements.

Ключевые слова: spray pyrolysis, $\mathrm{ZnO}$ nanostructured thin films, substrate effect, Raman.

PACS: 81.07.-b, 81.15.Rs

Поступила в редакцию: 31.01.2016

Язык публикации: английский

DOI: 10.17586/2220-8054-2016-7-3-506-508

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