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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Наносистемы: физика, химия, математика // Архив

Наносистемы: физика, химия, математика, 2018, том 9, выпуск 6, страницы 711–715 (Mi nano360)


Models of the energy landscape for an element of shakti spin ice

U. B. Arnaldsa, S. Y. Liashkoba, P. F. Bessarabba, V. M. Uzdincb, H. Jónssonade

a Science Institute, University of Iceland, 107 Reykjavík, Iceland
b ITMO University, Kronverkskiy, 49, St. Petersburg, 197101, Russia
c St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, 198504, Russia
d Dept. of Applied Physics, Aalto University, Espoo, FI-00076, Finland
e Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Iceland, 107 Reykjavík, Iceland

Аннотация: Micromagnetic calculations are compared with faster model calculations of interacting nanoscopic magnetic islands representing an element of a shakti spin ice lattice. Several pathways for transitions between equivalent ground states are studied. The model calculations describe the interaction between the islands either with the point dipole approximation, or with a dumbbell approximation where the distance between the two poles is optimized to match the micromagnetic results. The closest agreement in the energy of both local minima as well as transition state configurations where one macrospin has rotated by 90$^\circ$ is obtained with a dumbbell model where the distance between the poles is ca. 20% smaller than the island length.

Ключевые слова: magnetic islands, activation energy, micromagnetics, dipole interaction, dumbbell, spin ice.

PACS: 75.75.-c, 75.75.Jn, 75.60.Jk

Поступила в редакцию: 11.11.2018
Исправленный вариант: 18.11.2018

Язык публикации: английский

DOI: 10.17586/2220-8054-2018-9-6-711-715

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