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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Наносистемы: физика, химия, математика // Архив

Наносистемы: физика, химия, математика, 2015, том 6, выпуск 3, страницы 412–423 (Mi nano955)


Morphological memory of polymeric bodies

I. V. Melikhova, O. V. Alekseevab, V. N. Rudina, E. D. Kozlovskayaa, A. V. Noskovb

a M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
b G. A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry RAS, Ivanovo, Russia

Аннотация: The model of microrelief formation on the surface of polymers was formulated, describing the connection between the microrelief structural elements' distribution function on the states with the kinetics of macro-molecule formation, aggregation and aggregates' integration into the polymer body. Methods for calculating the kinetics of these processes, using experimental data on the microrelief properties, were developed. The developed methods have proven effective in the study of microrelief on films obtained by the evaporation of $o$-xylene and toluene solutions of polystyrene, as well as polystyrene granules' microrelief. The hierarchical structures were found on the surface of these bodies, from which it was possible to “extract” information about the polymerization and aggregation of the polystyrene macromolecules. The obtained data are summarized in the form of a morphological memory representation of the polymer bodies, consisting in the long-term preservation of nonequilibrium structures available for study without destroying the body, as well as the possibility to use the results of the study to describe the kinetics of these structures' formation.

Ключевые слова: polystyrene, microrelief, nanoparticles, subnanoparticles.

PACS: 81.05.Lg

Поступила в редакцию: 09.04.2015

Язык публикации: английский

DOI: 10.17586/2220-8054-2015-6-3-412-423

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