In this work we study the dynamical behavior of Tonelli Lagrangian systems defined on
the tangent bundle of the torus $\mathbb{T}^2=\mathbb{R}^2/\mathbb{Z}^2$. We prove that the Lagrangian flow restricted to
a high energy level $E_{L}^{-1}(c)$ (i.e., $c > c_0(L)$) has positive topological entropy if the flow satisfies the
Kupka-Smale property in $E_{L}^{-1}(c)$ (i.e., all closed orbits with energy c are hyperbolic or elliptic and
all heteroclinic intersections are transverse on $E_{L}^{-1}(c)$). The proof requires the use of well-known
results from Aubry – Mather theory.