Полная версия
ЖУРНАЛЫ // Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics // Архив

Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 2020, том 16, номер 4, страницы 637–650 (Mi nd734)

Эта публикация цитируется в 1 статье

Mathematical problems of nonlinearity

Lax Pairs and First Integrals for Autonomous and Non-Autonomous Differential Equations Belonging to the Painlevé – Gambier List

P. Guhaab, S. Garaic, A. G. Choudhuryc

a SN Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, JD Block, Sector III, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700106, India
b Department of Mathematics, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
c Department of Physics, Diamond Harbour Women’s University, D.H.Road, Sarisha 743368, West Bengal, India

Аннотация: Recently Sinelshchikov et al. [1] formulated a Lax representation for a family of nonautonomous second-order differential equations. In this paper we extend their result and obtain the Lax pair and the associated first integral of a non-autonomous version of the Levinson – Smith equation. In addition, we have obtained Lax pairs and first integrals for several equations of the Painlevé – Gambier list, namely, the autonomous equations numbered XII, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIX, XXXII, XXXVII, XLI, XLIII, as well as the non-autonomous equations Nos. XV and XVI in Ince’s book.

Ключевые слова: Lax representation, Liénard type equations, Painlevé – Gambier equations, first integrals.

MSC: 34C14, 34C20

Поступила в редакцию: 21.06.2020
Принята в печать: 17.09.2020

DOI: 10.20537/nd200408

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