The phenomenon of “bifurcation memory”, which can be detected during the steering of
river vessels, is considered by researchers with the questions of equilibrium point’s bifurcations.
It was noticed that in some dynamic systems during saddle-node bifurcation, areas are formed
on the phase plane (so-called “phase spot”), passing through which the phase velocity of the
representative point decreases. A decrease in phase velocity (e. g. during the steering of river
vessel) can cause navigation accidents during shallow waters navigation. In order to improve
sailing safety, it is necessary to investigate topological features of phase spots under any possible
environmental conditions and steering angle values. In this paper, we propose a new method
that makes it easy to get information about the localization of regions with decreased phase
velocity. We gained the results related to the topology of areas of different types of motion
(accelerated or decelerated) of representative point. In addition, the paper presents the process
of evolution of these regions, according to the change of steering angles, as well as before and
after the bifurcation. The new method, offered in the article, is more accurate for determining
the boundaries of the areas compared to the methods of Feigin and Chirkova. This will allow
us to make more correct predictions of changes in the dynamics of the object. The practical
implication of the suggested method is that by using it, we can get information about the
location of areas with different types of motion of the representative point on the phase plane
for different values of steering angle and environmental conditions. This information can be used
in the control algorithm of the driving object, for example, in order to predict the decreasing of
phase velocities.
Ключевые слова:
bifurcation memory, bifurcations in dynamic systems, steering of vessels, Static-
Dynamic plane, phase spots.