The stability of the collinear libration point $L_1$ in the photogravitational three-body problem
is investigated. This problem is concerned with the motion of a body of infinitely small mass
which experiences gravitational forces and repulsive forces of radiation pressure coming from two
massive bodies. It is assumed that the massive bodies move in circular orbits and that the body
of small mass is located in the plane of their motion. Using methods of normal forms and KAM
theory, a rigorous analysis of the Lyapunov stability of the collinear libration point lying on the
segment connecting the massive bodies is performed. Conclusions on the stability are drawn
both for the nonresonant case and for the case of resonances through order four.
Ключевые слова:
collinear libration point, photogravitational three-body problem, normal forms,
KAM theory, Lyapunov stability, resonances.