Оптика и спектроскопия,
2018, том 125, выпуск 5,страница 653(Mi os850)
Нанофотоника International Conference ''PCNSPA 2018 -- Photonic Colloidal Nanostructures: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications'', Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 4--8, 2018
Theory of Frenkel excitons in planar arrays of perovskite quantum dots
Of primary interest for the design of novel optoelectronic devices are densely packed ordered arrays of quantum dots (QDs), which can be produced via self-assembly or other nanofabrication techniques. In such arrays, also known as supercrystals, the interaction between the QDs results in a collective optical response. Despite the active research on arrays made of perovskite QDs, a rigorous theory of their collective excitations is still lacking. In this Paper, we develop a quantum-mechanical theory of Frenkel excitons in planar perovskite QD arrays with square lattice.