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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Проблемы анализа — Issues of Analysis // Архив

Пробл. анал. Issues Anal., 2020, том 9(27), выпуск 1, страницы 27–37 (Mi pa285)

Эта публикация цитируется в 3 статьях

Fixed point results for Hardy–Rogers type contractions with respect to a $c$-distance in graphical cone metric spaces

L. Aryanpour, H. Rahimi, G. Soleimani Rad

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Аннотация: The aim of this paper is to prove some existence and uniqueness results of the fixed points for Hardy–Rogers type contraction in cone metric spaces associated with a $c$-distance and endowed with a graph. These results prepare a more general statement, since we apply the condition of orbitally $G$-continuity of mapping instead of the condition of continuity, and consider cone metric spaces endowed with a graph instead of cone metric spaces.

Ключевые слова: $c$-distance, cone metric spaces, fixed point, orbitally $G$-continuous, connected graph.

УДК: 519.17, 517.982

MSC: 46A19, 47H10, 05C20

Поступила в редакцию: 20.07.2019
Исправленный вариант: 04.02.2020
Принята в печать: 07.02.2020

Язык публикации: английский

DOI: 10.15393/

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