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ЖУРНАЛЫ // Проблемы анализа — Issues of Analysis // Архив

Пробл. анал. Issues Anal., 2024, том 13(31), выпуск 3, страницы 23–42 (Mi pa404)

A new generalization of George & Veeramani-type fuzzy metric space

A. Das, D. Barman, T. Bag

Department of Mathematics, Siksha-Bhavana, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan-731235, Birbhum, West-Bengal, India

Аннотация: In this article, a concept of fuzzy $ \mathscr{F} $-metric space, which is a generalization of George & Veeramani-type fuzzy metric space, is introduced. Concepts of convergent sequence, Cauchy sequence, completeness etc. are given, and we study some properties in such spaces. Finally, some topological results are established.

Ключевые слова: $t$-norm, fuzzy metric, fuzzy $b$-metric, fuzzy $ \mathscr{F}$-metric.

УДК: 517.98, 517.52

MSC: 46S40, 54E35

Поступила в редакцию: 16.06.2024
Исправленный вариант: 30.10.2024
Принята в печать: 18.10.2024

Язык публикации: английский

DOI: 10.15393/

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