Эта публикация цитируется в
2 статьях
Математические методы криптографии
Problems in theory of cryptanalytical invertibility of finite automata
G. P. Agibalov National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
The paper continues an investigation of the cryptanalytical invertibility concept of finite automata with a finite delay introduced by the author in his previous papers where he also gave a constructive set theory test for an automaton
$A$ to be cryptanalytically invertible, that is, to have a recovering function
$f$ which allows to calculate a prefix of a length
$m$ in an input sequence of the automaton
$A$ by using its output sequence of a length
$m+\tau$ and some additional information about
$A$ known to cryptanalysts, defining a type of its invertibility and of its recovering functon. Here, we expound a test for that of another kind, namely some logical necessary and sufficient conditions for an automaton
$A$ to have or not a recovering function
$f$ of a certain type. Results related to specific types of automata invertibility (invertibility tests, inversion algorithms, synthesis of inverse automata and others) are subjects of further researching and publications.
Ключевые слова:
finite automata, information-lossless automata, automata invertibility, recovering function, cryptanalytical invertibility, cryptanalytical invertibility conditions.
Язык публикации: английский