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IX Moscow International Conference on Operations Research (ORM2018-Germeyer100)
(October 22–27, 2018, Moscow)

Dear colleagues!

We invite you to attend the 9th Moscow International Conference on Operations Research. Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Federal Research Center "Computer Science and Control" of RAS (FRC CSC RAS), Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), Institute of Control Sciences (ICS RAS) and Russian Operational Research Society (RuORS) organize the conference dedicated to 100th anniversary of Professor Ju. B. Germeyer.

The conference will bring together scientists from all over the world to discuss theoretical aspects and various applications of operations research.


Program Committee
Pospelov Igor Germogenovich (Chairman)
Aleskerov Fuad Tagievich
Burkov Vladimir Nikolaevich
Vasin Aleksandr Alekseevich
Weber Gerhard-Wilhelm
Gorelik Victor Alexandrovich
Gurvich Vladimir Alexander
Evtushenko Yurii Gavrilovich
Izmailov Alexey Feridovich
Mazalov Vladimir Viktorovich
Novikova Natal'ya Mikhailovna
Pavlovsky Yury Nicolaevich
Savin Gennadii Ivanovich
Sokolov Igor' Anatol'evich
Fischer Andreas
Shananin Aleksandr Alekseevich
Jaćimović Milojica

Organizing Committee
Vasin Aleksandr Alekseevich (Co-chairman)
Flerov Yuriy Arsenievich (Co-chairman)
Ereshko Felix Ivanovich (Vice-chairman)
Aleskerov Fuad Tagievich
Afanas'eva Larisa Grigor'evna
Belolipetskii Aleksandr Alekseevich
Belotelov Nikolay Vadimovich
Bulinskaya Ekaterina Vadimovna
Burkov Vladimir Nikolaevich
Burova Natalia Konstantinovna
Vakhranev Anton Vladimirovich
Gasnikov Alexander Vladimirovich
Golembiovskiy Dmitry Jurievich
Gorelik Victor Alexandrovich
Gorelov Mihail Alexandrovich
Denisov Dmitry Vital'evich
Divtsova Anastasiya Gennad'evna
Zonn Ivetta Arsenovna
Izmailov Alexey Feridovich
Kostyuk Felix Vladislavovich
Kukushkin Nikolay Serafimovich
Lotov Alexander Vladimirovich
Malashenko Yurii Evgen'evich
Menshikov Ivan Stanislavovich
Moiseev Evgenii Ivanovich
Morozov Vladimir Viktorovich
Mokhon'ko Elena Zakharovna
Novikova Natal'ya Mikhailovna
Podinovski Vladislav Vladimirovich
Pospelov Igor Germogenovich
Pospelova Irina Igorevna
Sokolov Igor' Anatol'evich
Furugyan Meran Gabibullaevich
Khachay Mikhail Yurevich
Shevchenko Vasilii Vladimirovich
Yarovaya Elena Borisovna

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2024