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New Perspectives in Asymptotic Representation Theory. In memory of Sergei Kerov (1946–2000)
(August 23–25, 2021, online)

The goal of the conference is to illustrate new directions in asymptotic representation theory which have recently become popular (among them: new methods in the theory of central measures, measurable partitions, new classes of groups and their actions and representations, continuous graphs, etc.), as well as to draw attention to some papers by Sergei Kerov which still play a very important role in modern progress.


Program Committee
Vershik Anatolii Moiseevich (Chairman)
Olshanski Grigorii Iosifovich
Petrov Fedor Vladimirovich
Tsilevich Natalia Vladimirovna

Organizing Committee
Petrov Fedor Vladimirovich (Chairman)
Zalesskaya Nadezhda Vitoldovna
Zatitskii Pavel Borisovich
Malyutin Andrei Valer'evich
Nikitin Pavel Pavlovich

St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025