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JOURNALS // Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Seriya "Matematicheskii Analiz"
Author Index

A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T V Y Z Full List
P. G. Aizengendler, see M. M. Vainberg
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1965, 1966, ,  7–69
R. R. Akhmerov, M. I. Kamenskii, A. S. Potapov, B. N. Sadovskii
Condensing operators
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1980, 18,  185–250
R. R. Akhmerov, M. I. Kamenskii, A. S. Potapov, A. E. Rodkina, B. N. Sadovskii
The theory of equations of neutral type
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1982, 19,  55–126
L. A. Aksent'ev, see F. G. Avkhadiev
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1987, 25,  3–121
L. A. Aksent'ev, N. B. Il'inskii, M. T. Nuzhin, R. B. Salimov, G. G. Tumashev
The theory of inverse boundary value problems for analytic functions and its applications
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1980, 18,  67–124
V. A. Andrienko
Imbedding theorems for functions of one variable
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1970, 1971, ,  203–262
L. G. Arabadzhyan, N. B. Engibaryan
Convolution equations and nonlinear functional equations
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1984, 22,  175–244
A. V. Arutyunov
Perturbations of extremal problems with constraints, and necessary conditions for optimality
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1989, 27,  147–235
F. G. Avkhadiev, L. A. Aksent'ev, A. M. Elizarov
Sufficient conditions for the finite-valence of analytic functions, and their applications
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1987, 25,  3–121
T. Ya. Azizov, I. S. Iokhvidov
Linear operators in spaces with an indefinite metric and their applications
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1979, 17,  113–205
L. A. Balashov, A. I. Rubinshtein
Ряды по системе Уолша и их обобщения
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1970, 1971, ,  147–202
M. Sh. Birman, M. Z. Solomyak
Asymptotic properties of the spectrum of differential equations
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1977, 14,  5–58
Yu. G. Borisovich, B. D. Gel'man, A. D. Myshkis, V. V. Obukhovskii
New results in the theory of multivalued mappings. I. Topological characteristics and solvability of operator relations
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1987, 25,  123–197
Yu. G. Borisovich, B. D. Gel'man, A. D. Myshkis, V. V. Obukhovskii
Multivalued mappings
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1982, 19,  127–230
Yu. A. Brudnyi, S. G. Krein, E. M. Semenov
Interpolation of linear operators
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1986, 24,  3–163
Yu. A. Brychkov, H.-J. Glaeske, O. I. Marichev
Factorization of integral transformations of convolution type
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1983, 21,  3–41
Yu. A. Brychkov, see A. P. Prudnikov
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1989, 27,  3–146
Yu. A. Brychkov, A. P. Prudnikov
Integral transformations of generalized functions
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1982, 20,  78–115
Yu. A. Brychkov, A. P. Prudnikov, V. S. Shishov
Operational calculus
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1979, 16,  99–148
A. V. Bukhvalov, A. I. Veksler, V. A. Geiler
Normed lattices
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1980, 18,  125–184
A. V. Bukhvalov
Order-bounded operators in vector lattices and spaces of measurable functions
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1988, 26,  3–63
V. I. Burenkov
Imbedding and extension theorems for classes of differentiable functions of several variables defined on the entire spaces
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1965, 1966, ,  71–155
V. F. Butuzov, A. B. Vasil'eva, M. V. Fedoryuk
Asymptotic methods in the theory of ordinary differential equations
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1967, 1969, ,  5–73
F. L. Chernous'ko, V. B. Kolmanovskii
Numerical and approximate methods of optimal control
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1977, 14,  101–166
L. I. Chibrikova
Boundary value problems of the theory of analytic functions on Riemann surfaces
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1980, 18,  3–66
Yu. L. Daletskii
Integration in function spaces
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1966, 1967, ,  83–124
A. S. Dikanskii, see S. N. Krachkovskii
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1968, 1969, ,  39–71
V. A. Ditkin, A. P. Prudnikov
Operational calculus
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1964, 1966, ,  7–75
V. A. Ditkin, A. P. Prudnikov
Operational calculus
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1966, 1967, ,  7–82
M. G. Dmitriev, see A. B. Vasil'eva
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1982, 20,  3–77
E. M. Dyn'kin, B. P. Osilenker
Weighted estimates for singular integrals and their applications
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1983, 21,  42–129
A. M. Elizarov, see F. G. Avkhadiev
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1987, 25,  3–121
N. B. Engibaryan, see L. G. Arabadzhyan
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1984, 22,  175–244
M. V. Fedoryuk, see V. F. Butuzov
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1967, 1969, ,  5–73
R. Gabasov, F. M. Kirillova
Mathematical theory of optimal control
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1979, 16,  55–97
B. G. Gabdulkhaev
Finite-dimensional approximations of singular integrals and direct methods for solving singular integral and integro-differential equations
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1980, 18,  251–307
S. A. Gabov, A. G. Sveshnikov
An equation for stationary capillary gravitational-gyroscopic waves in shallow water, and Kelvin waves
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1986, 24,  207–269
S. A. Gabov, A. G. Sveshnikov
Mathematical problems of the dynamics of a floating fluid
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1990, 28,  3–86
A. L. Garkavi
The theory of best approximation in normed linear spaces
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1967, 1969, ,  75–132
V. A. Geiler, see A. V. Bukhvalov
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1980, 18,  125–184
B. D. Gel'man, V. V. Obukhovskii
New results in the theory of multivalued mappings. II. Analysis and applications
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1991, 29,  107–159
B. D. Gel'man, see Yu. G. Borisovich
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1987, 25,  123–197
B. D. Gel'man, see Yu. G. Borisovich
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1982, 19,  127–230
S. G. Gindikin
Algebraic problems of the theory of functions of several complex variables
Itogi Nauki. Mat. Anal. 1963, 1965, ,  81–124
V. A. Ginzburg
Quantization and the orbit method
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1984, 22,  37–58
H.-J. Glaeske, see Yu. A. Brychkov
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1983, 21,  3–41
V. P. Glushko, Yu. B. Savchenko
Higher-order degenerate elliptic equations: spaces, operators and boundary value problems
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1985, 23,  125–218
A. A. Gol'dberg
Meromorphic functions
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1973, 10,  5–97
B. I. Golubov
Series in the Haar system
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1970, 1971, ,  109–146
B. I. Golubov
Multiple series and Fourier integrals
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1982, 19,  3–54
R. S. Gusarova, see V. V. Nemytskii
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1964, 1966, ,  165–235
V. P. Havin
Spaces of analytic functions
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1964, 1966, ,  76–164
S. Ya. Havinson
Analytic functions of bounded type
Itogi Nauki. Mat. Anal. 1963, 1965, ,  5–80
Kh. D. Ikramov
Sparse matrices
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1982, 20,  179–260
Kh. D. Ikramov
Sparse linear problems of the method of least squares
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1985, 23,  219–285
Kh. D. Ikramov
Matrix pencils—theory, applications, numerical methods
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1991, 29,  3–106
N. B. Il'inskii, see L. A. Aksent'ev
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1980, 18,  67–124
I. S. Iokhvidov, see T. Ya. Azizov
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1979, 17,  113–205
R. S. Ismagilov, see M. A. Naimark
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1968, 1969, ,  73–105
V. V. Ivanov
Methods of approximate solution of singular integral equations
Itogi Nauki. Mat. Anal. 1963, 1965, ,  125–177
N. A. Izobov
Linear systems of ordinary differential equations
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1974, 12,  71–146
M. I. Kadets
Geometry of normed spaces
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1975, 13,  99–127
M. I. Kamenskii, see R. R. Akhmerov
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1980, 18,  185–250
M. I. Kamenskii, see R. R. Akhmerov
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1982, 19,  55–126
G. F. Kangro
Theory of summability of sequences and series
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1974, 12,  5–70
A. B. Katok, Ya. G. Sinai, A. M. Stepin
The theory of dynamical systems and general transformation groups with invariant measure
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1975, 13,  129–262
M. I. Khazan, see S. G. Krein
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1983, 21,  130–264
F. M. Kirillova, see R. Gabasov
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1979, 16,  55–97
V. B. Kolmanovskii, see F. L. Chernous'ko
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1977, 14,  101–166
S. N. Krachkovskii, A. S. Dikanskii
Fredholm operators and their generalizations
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1968, 1969, ,  39–71
S. G. Krein, M. I. Khazan
Differential equations in a Banach space
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1983, 21,  130–264
S. G. Krein, see Yu. A. Brudnyi
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1986, 24,  3–163
S. G. Krein, see V. V. Vasil'ev
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1990, 28,  87–202
A. F. Leont'ev
Dirichlet series, sequences of Dirichlet polynomials and related functional equations
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1975, 13,  5–55
A. N. Leznov, M. V. Saveliev
Nonlinear equations and graded Lie algebras
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1984, 22,  101–136
O. A. Liskovets
Theory and methods of solving ill-posed problems
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1982, 20,  116–178
A. I. Loginov, see M. A. Naimark
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1974, 12,  413–465
A. I. Loginov, V. S. Shulman
Invariant subspaces of operator algebras
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1988, 26,  65–145
A. Lovater
The boundary behavior of analytic functions
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1973, 10,  99–259
V. I. Man'ko
Symplectic group and invariants of quantum systems
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1984, 22,  59–100
O. I. Marichev, see A. P. Prudnikov
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1989, 27,  3–146
O. I. Marichev, see Yu. A. Brychkov
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1983, 21,  3–41
V. A. Morozov
Linear and nonlinear ill-posed problems
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1973, 11,  129–178
A. D. Myshkis, see Yu. G. Borisovich
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1987, 25,  123–197
A. D. Myshkis, see Yu. G. Borisovich
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1982, 19,  127–230
M. A. Naimark, A. I. Loginov, V. S. Shulman
Nonselfadjoint operator algebras in Hilbert space
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1974, 12,  413–465
M. A. Naimark, R. S. Ismagilov
Representations of groups and algebras in spaces with indefinite metric
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1968, 1969, ,  73–105
V. V. Nemytskii, M. M. Vainberg, R. S. Gusarova
Operator differential equations
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1964, 1966, ,  165–235
N. K. Nikol'skii
Invariant subspaces in operator theory and function theory
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1974, 12,  199–412
M. T. Nuzhin, see L. A. Aksent'ev
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1980, 18,  67–124
V. V. Obukhovskii, see B. D. Gel'man
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1991, 29,  107–159
V. V. Obukhovskii, see Yu. G. Borisovich
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1987, 25,  123–197
V. V. Obukhovskii, see Yu. G. Borisovich
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1982, 19,  127–230
V. I. Ogievetskii, E. S. Sokachev
Supersymmetry and superspace
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1984, 22,  137–173
O. A. Oleinik, E. V. Radkevich
Second order equations with nonnegative characteristic form
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1969, 1971, ,  7–252
B. P. Osilenker, see E. M. Dyn'kin
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1983, 21,  42–129
V. P. Palamodov
Systems of linear differential equations
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1968, 1969, ,  5–37
S. I. Piskarev, see V. V. Vasil'ev
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1990, 28,  87–202
B. T. Polyak
Minimization methods in the presence of constraints
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1974, 12,  147–197
V. V. Pospelov, see V. V. Rusanov
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1975, 13,  57–98
A. S. Potapov, see R. R. Akhmerov
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1980, 18,  185–250
A. S. Potapov, see R. R. Akhmerov
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1982, 19,  55–126
M. B. Prokhorov, V. K. Saul'ev
The Kalman-Bucy optimal filtering method, and its generalizations
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1977, 14,  167–207
A. P. Prudnikov, Yu. A. Brychkov, O. I. Marichev
Calculation of integrals and the Mellin transform
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1989, 27,  3–146
A. P. Prudnikov, see V. A. Ditkin
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1966, 1967, ,  7–82
A. P. Prudnikov, see V. A. Ditkin
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1964, 1966, ,  7–75
A. P. Prudnikov, see Yu. A. Brychkov
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1982, 20,  78–115
A. P. Prudnikov, see Yu. A. Brychkov
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1979, 16,  99–148
E. V. Radkevich, see O. A. Oleinik
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1969, 1971, ,  7–252
A. E. Rodkina, see R. R. Akhmerov
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1982, 19,  55–126
A. I. Rubinshtein, see L. A. Balashov
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1970, 1971, ,  147–202
V. V. Rusanov, V. V. Pospelov
Studies of liquid and gas flows
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1975, 13,  57–98
B. N. Sadovskii, see R. R. Akhmerov
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1980, 18,  185–250
B. N. Sadovskii, see R. R. Akhmerov
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1982, 19,  55–126
R. B. Salimov, see L. A. Aksent'ev
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1980, 18,  67–124
I. I. Samoilova, see V. K. Saul'ev
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1973, 11,  91–128
V. K. Saul'ev, see M. B. Prokhorov
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1977, 14,  167–207
V. K. Saul'ev, I. I. Samoilova
Approximate methods of unconditional optimization of functions of several variables
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1973, 11,  91–128
Yu. B. Savchenko, see V. P. Glushko
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1985, 23,  125–218
M. V. Saveliev, see A. N. Leznov
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1984, 22,  101–136
E. M. Semenov, see Yu. A. Brudnyi
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1986, 24,  3–163
Yu. A. Shashkin
Convex sets, extremal points, simplexes
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1973, 11,  5–50
V. S. Shishov, see Yu. A. Brychkov
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1979, 16,  99–148
Yu. L. Shmul'yan, see È. R. Tsekanovskii
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1977, 14,  59–100
V. S. Shulman, see M. A. Naimark
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1974, 12,  413–465
V. S. Shulman, see A. I. Loginov
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1988, 26,  65–145
S. V. Shvedenko
Hardy classes and related spaces of analytic functions in the unit disc, polydisc and ball
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1985, 23,  3–124
Ya. G. Sinai, see A. B. Katok
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1975, 13,  129–262
V. A. Skvortsov, see I. A. Vinogradova
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1970, 1971, ,  65–107
E. S. Sokachev, see V. I. Ogievetskii
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1984, 22,  137–173
M. Z. Solomyak, see M. Sh. Birman
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1977, 14,  5–58
A. M. Stepin, see A. B. Katok
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1975, 13,  129–262
P. K. Suetin
V. A. Steklov's problem in the theory of orthogonal polynomials
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1977, 15,  5–82
A. G. Sveshnikov, see S. A. Gabov
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1986, 24,  207–269
A. G. Sveshnikov, see S. A. Gabov
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1990, 28,  3–86
A. A. Talalyan
Questions of representation and uniqueness in the theory of orthogonal series
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1970, 1971, ,  5–64
S. B. Topuriya, see L. V. Zhizhiashvili
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1977, 15,  83–130
Z. B. Tsalyuk
Volterra integral equations
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1977, 15,  131–198
È. R. Tsekanovskii, Yu. L. Shmul'yan
Questions in the theory of the extension of unbounded operators in rigged Hilbert spaces
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1977, 14,  59–100
G. G. Tumashev, see L. A. Aksent'ev
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1980, 18,  67–124
N. T. Tynyanskii, V. I. Zhukovskii
Nonzero sum differential games (coalition-free version)
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1977, 15,  199–266
N. T. Tynyanskii, V. I. Zhukovskii
Differential games with a nonzero sum (a cooperative variant)
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1979, 17,  3–112
M. M. Vainberg, see V. V. Nemytskii
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1964, 1966, ,  165–235
M. M. Vainberg, P. G. Aizengendler
Methods of investigation in the theory of branching of solutions
Itogi Nauki. Ser. Matematika. Mat. Anal. 1965, 1966, ,  7–69
L. I. Vainerman
The duality of algebras with involution and generalized shift operators
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1986, 24,  165–205
G. M. Vainikko
Regular convergence of operators and the approximate solution of equations
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1979, 16,  5–53
V. V. Vanagas
Representations of orthogonal and unitary groups, and nuclear models
Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 1984, 22,  3–35
V. V. Vasil'ev, S. G. Krein, S. I. Piskarev
Operator semigroups, cosine operator functions, and linear differential equations
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