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Shamraeva Victoria Victorovna
Associate professor
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2005)

Speciality: 01.01.01 (Real analysis, complex analysis, and functional analysis)
Keywords: the weight spaces of analytic functions, generating, entire functions; financial market, martingale measure, infinite number of buyers-up of stocks, weakened noncoincidence barycenter condition, completeness, self-financing portfolio, capital of portfolio, contingent claim, interpolating filtration.


Interpolation properties of martingale measures

Main publications:
  1. V. V. Shamraeva, “$L^2$-method in the task of generating weight spaces without ring structure”, The dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of physico-mathematical Sciences, 2005, 108
  2. I. V. Pavlov, I. V. Tsvetkova, V. V. Shamraeva, “Nekotorie resultati o martingalnih merah odnoshagovih modelej finansovih rinkov, svjazannie s usloviem nesovpadenija barizentrov [Some results on martingale measures of one-step models of financial markets associated with the noncoincidence barycenter condition]”, Nauchno-tehnicheskij zhurnal «Vestnik RGUPS»; [Scientific and Technical Journal «Vestnik RGUPS»;], 2012, № 3, 177–181
  3. I.V.Pavlov, I.V.Tsvetkova, V.V.Shamraeva, “O sushestvovanii martingalnih mer, udovletvorjajushih oslablennomu usloviju nesovpadenija barizentrov: konsruktivistskij podhod [On the existing of martingale measures satisfying weakened noncoincidence barycenter condition: constructivist approach]”, Nauchno-tehnicheskij zhurnal «Vestnik RGUPS» scientific and Technical Journal «Vestnik RGUPS", 2014, № 4, 132-138

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