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Napalkov Valerii Valentinovich
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2019)

Speciality: 01.01.01 (Real analysis, complex analysis, and functional analysis)
Birth date: 5.07.1968
Keywords: complex analysis;Lalpace, Fourier-Laplace, Cauchy transforms; entire functions;holomorphic functions.


Scientific interests: The Fourier–Laplace, Cauchy transforms; in the plane domain in terms of the Cauchy transform is obtained. Description of the dual space to Bergman spaces in plane convex domain in terms of the Laplace transform is obtained.

Main publications:
  1. V. V. Napalkov (Jr.), “Orthosimilar expansion systems in space with reproducing kernel”, Ufa Math. Journal, 5:4 (2013), 88–100  mathnet  crossref  elib
  2. V. V. Napalkov (jr.), “An equivalent integral norm in a dual space”, Ufimsk. Mat. Zh., 3:4 (2011), 122–132  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib
  3. V. V. Napalkov (Jr.), “On orthosimilar systems in a space of analytical functions and the problem of describing the dual space”, Ufa Math. Journal, 3:1 (2011), 30–41  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib
  4. V. V., Napalkov, V. V. Napalkov (ml.), “Sopryazhennye operatory v prostranstvakh tipa Foka”, Doklady Akademii Nauk, 414:5 (2007), 591–593  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib
  5. V. V. Napalkov (Jr.), “Analogue of the Fock space”, Integral transform and special functions, Taylor & Francis Group, 18:2 (2007), 133–138  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
  6.  V. V. Napalkov (ml.), “Razlichnye predstavleniya prostranstva analiticheskikh funktsii i zadacha opisaniya sopryazhennogo prostranstva”, Doklady Akademii Nauk, 387:2 (2002), 164–167 , Napalkov V. V. (Jr.) “Various representation of the space of analytics functions and the problem of the dual space description”, Doklady Mathematics, V.66, N3, P.335–337.  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
  7. V. V. Napalkov (Jr.), R. S. Yulmukhametov, “On the Hilbert Transform in Bergman Space”, Math. Notes, 70:1 (2001), 61–70  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib
  8. V. V. Napalkov Jr.and R. S. Yulmukhametov, “Criterion of surjectivity of the Cauchy transform operator on a Bergman space”, Lyubich, Yu. (ed.) et al., Entire functions in modern analysis. Boris Levin memorial conference., Proceedings of the conference (Tel-Aviv, Israel, December 14-19, 1997. Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University), Gelbart Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Isr. Math. Conf. Proc., 15, 2001, 261–267  mathscinet  zmath
  9. V. V. Napalkov (Jr.), “Borel transformations on Dirichlet spaces”, Math. Notes, 60:1 (1996), 42–48  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib
  10. V. V. Napalkov (Jr.), R. S. Yulmukhametov, “Weighted Fourier–Laplace transforms of analytic functionals on the disk”, Russian Acad. Sci. Sb. Math., 77:2 (1994), 385–390  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi

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