academiñian of National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Kazakhstan
Doctor of technical sciences (2001)
05.13.16 (Computer techniques, mathematical modelling, and mathematical methods with an application to scientific researches)
Birth date:
Phone: +77017209727
Website: Keywords: state diagram,
liquidus and solidus lines,
Bjerrum-Guggenheim osmotic coefficient.
UDC: 69.2:661.2+661.8
physicochemical studies of phase equilibria in complex heterogeneous metallurgical systems, state diagram, ferrotitanium, ferrosilicoaluminum, liquidus and solidus lines, Bjerrum-Guggenheim osmotic coefficient
Main publications:
Baisanov S., Tolokonnikova V., Narikbayeva G., Korsukova I., Mukhambetgaliyev Ye., “Mathematical method of phase equilibrium of binary system Cr-Si based on Bjerrum-Guggenheim concept”, Metalurgija, 1:59 (2020), 97-100
Mukhambetgaliyev Y., Baisanov S., Zharmenov A., Khayn Y., Tolokonnikova V., “Industrial smelting tests and organization of production of ferrosilicon aluminum (FSA) in Kazakhstan”, Metalurgija, 1:59 (2020), 109-112
Baisanov S., Tolokonnikova V., Narikbayeva G., Korsukova I., Mukhambetgaliyev Ye., “Udcestimation of dissociation degree of congruently melting compounds throughosmotic coefficient of Bjerrum-Guggenheim”, Metalurgija. - Croatian Metalurgija, 1:59 (2020)
Branch of the Republican State Enterprise on the right of economic management "National Center on complex processing of mineral raw materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan" of the Committee for Industrial Development of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Chemical and Metallurgical Institute named after Zh.Abishev"