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Rozhkov Alexander Alimovich
Senior Researcher
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (1989)

Speciality: 01.04.02 (Theoretical physics)
Birth date: 16.10.1961
Phone: +38 (057) 392 23 24
Keywords: statistical mechanics, condensed media, quasaverage, Fermi-liquid approach, superfluid quantum liquids.


The method alternative to the approach of Ginzburg–Landau, intended for classification of equilibrium states of the degenerate condensed media with vector parameter of the order is created. Fermi-liquid approach is distributed on the description spiral magnetics and В-phase of a superfluid Fermi-liquid. Researches under the account of influence of the form and the sizes of Cooper pairs in superfluid Fermi-liquids on thermodynamics and nonequilibrium processes are executed. The opportunity of occurrence of new sounds in a superfluid liquid similar on structure on sounds in liquid crystals is predicted.

Main publications:
  1. V. V. Krasilnikov, S. V. Peletminskii, A. A. Rozhkov, A. A. Yatsenko, “K teorii sverkhtekuchei fermi-zhidkosti”, EChAYa, 19:6 (1988), 1440–1466  mathscinet
  2. M. Yu. Kovalevskii, S. V. Peletminskii, A. A. Rozhkov, “Funktsii Grina magnetikov v gidrodinamicheskom i kvazichastichnogm priblizheniyakh”, TMF, 75:1 (1988), 86–100  mathnet
  3. M. Yu. Kovalevskii, A. A. Rozhkov, “K teorii rastvora kvantovykh zhidkostei s vektornym parametrom poryadka”, TMF, 127:2 (2001), 317–335  mathnet  zmath
  4. M. Y. Kovalevsky, A. A. Rozhkov, “Classification of equilibrium states and hydrodynamics of quantum Fermi-liquids mixtures with vector order parameter”, Physica A, 336:3-4 (2004), 271  adsnasa

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