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Ronzhin Alexander F
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1984)

Speciality: 01.01.09 (Discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics)
Birth date: 22.07.1954
Phone: +7 (495) 988 80 94
Fax: +7 (495) 988 80 96
Keywords: statistical methods, combinatorical objects, criptology.
UDC: 519.2, 519.7, 519.224.24


Probability Calculations for combinatorical objects analisis by statistical methods. Criptology.

Main publications:
  1. Ronzhin A.F., “O predelnykh teoremakh dlya summ zavisimykh sluchainykh velichin”, Teoriya veroyatn i ee primenen., 24:3 (1979), 542–552  mathscinet  zmath
  2. Ronzhin A.F., “Effektivnost tipa Chernova dlya kriteriev soglasiya, osnovannykh na empiricheskikh funktsiyakh raspredeleniya”, Teriya veroyatn. i ee prmenen., 30:2 (1985), 378–381  mathscinet  zmath
  3. Ronzhin A.F., “Kriterii soglasiya dlya obobschennykh skhem razmescheniya chastits po yacheikam, osnovannye na razdelimykh statistikakh”, Teoriya veroyatn. i ee primen., 33:1 (1988), 94–104  mathscinet
  4. Ronzhin A.F., “Problems of Security in Information Processinng Systems”, Proceeding of the Third Intenational Petrozavodsk Conferens, TVP/VSP, Moscow, 1993, 99–127  zmath
  5. Knyazev A.V., Ronzhin A.F., “Instrumentalnyi analiz mutnykh protokolov”, Obozrenie prikl. i promyshl. matemat., 14:4 (2007), 577–592

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