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Karachik Valeriy Valentinovich
Senior Researcher
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2001)

Speciality: 01.01.02 (Differential equations, dynamical systems, and optimal control)
Keywords: partial differential equations, boundary value problems, polynomial solutions, polyharmonic functions, Greens function, special polynomials and functions.


Representations of solutions to boundary value problems for partial differential equations: solutions in closed form, series solutions, integral representations of solutions, Green's function.

Main publications:
  1. V. V. Karachik, “A problem for the polyharmonic equation in the sphere”, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 32:5 (1991), 767–774  crossref  scopus
  2. V. V. Karachik, “Polynomial solutions to the systems of partial differential equations with constant coefficients”, Yokohama Math. J., 47 (2000), 121–142  mathscinet
  3. V. V. Karachik, Method of normalized systems of functions, Publishing Center of SUSU, Chelyabinsk, 2014  zmath
  4. V. V. Karachik, “Construction of Polynomial Solutions to the Dirichlet Problem for the Polyharmonic Equation in a Ball”, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 54:7 (2014), 1122–1143  crossref  adsnasa  isi
  5. V. V. Karachik, “On Green function of the Dirichlet problem for polyharmonic equation in the ball”, Axioms, 12:6 (2023), 543  crossref  isi

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